I'm Talya and this blog is dedicated to romanticizing life! Here you'll find all my musings on travel, aesthetics, fashion, photography, and much, much more. Grab yourself a cup of tea (or coffee), a warm blanket, and cozy up for a good time reading my blog.


Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet! I hope this blog can offer you both a moment of calm and a couple doses of inspiration. For me, this blog is just another space to pour out my creative vision and allow my jumbled thoughts to take some sort of form. Writing has always been a passion of mine and, along with my newfound passions of photography and videography, I hope I can create blog posts that inspire you to read new books, try new fashion and home decor styles, and dream of traveling to faraway places!
If you are interested in collaborating with me, please contact me! I am always excited to work with new people and products.